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BALCONE                    ABOUT                    PROJECTS                    SUPPORT                    LINKS

Free to members or $5 to join!

1st Reading: June 1, 2010 from 6 to 9pm at 1923 Gravely Street, Vancouver

2nd Reading: June 8, 2010 from 6 to 9pm at the Vancouver Art Gallery (by donation) for the Fiona Tan: Rise and Fall exhibition

3rd Reading: June 15, 2010 from 6 to 9pm at the Vancouver Art Gallery (by donation) for the Kerry James Marshall exhibition

4th Reading: June 22, 2010 from 6 to 9pm at 208-1374 West 10th Ave, Vancouver

5th Reading: June 29, 2010 from 6 to 9pm at the Museum of Anthropology ($7 fee)